[Numpy-discussion] Python global interpreter lock ...

Todd Miller jmiller at stsci.edu
Wed Apr 30 10:47:11 EDT 2003

On Wed, 2003-04-30 at 02:47, Andrew P. Lentvorski, Jr. wrote:
> 1) Does numpy (or numarray) release the Python GIL?

numarray does not explicitly release the GIL.  There is a long standing
doubt that Python callbacks made from its extension functions may make
numarray unsound for multi-threaded work because they *do* release the

> 2) If not, why not?  

It just hasn't been a priority yet for numarray.  

> Is this simply something I could fix by making the 
> changes myself, 

Don't know.

> or are there larger reasons for not releasing the GIL?

Don't know.

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