[Numpy-discussion] RE: Python 2.2 seriously crippled for numerical computation?

Jochen Küpper jochen at unc.edu
Tue Mar 19 17:54:02 EST 2002

Hash: SHA1

On Tue, 19 Mar 2002 20:20:36 -0500 Tim Peters wrote:

Thanks for the quick answer.  The problem is resolved.

Tim> [jochen at bock.chem.unc.edu]

>> [1]  If it is in there, it doesn't work for me with current python cvs
>> branch release22-maint.  I still have to manually add -lieee.
>> (RedHat-7.0 with current updates.)

Tim> I don't know what "current" meant to you at the time you wrote this.

About 20:00 (8:00pm) EST today, March 19.

Tim> Tim> Michael Hudson did backport the patch into 2.2.1c1, which
Tim> Tim> was released yesterday.  So please try 2.2.1c1, and if you
Tim> Tim> still have a problem, file a bug report about it on
Tim> Tim> SourceForge.  2.2.1 final is expected in about a week.

Well, changing cvs from 
helps.  That is, everything seems to work fine with the cvs sources
tagged r221c1.

Then, is it really necessary to mess up the cvs tags so much? Why
isn't it possible to have a single python-2.2 branch which one could
follow to get all the stuff that's incorporated into that version? [1]

There are huge differences between release22-maint and r221c1, it
seems from the number of patches applied when going from one to the
other.  But then some files are in the same (non-main) branch.  ???

Thanks for all your work, and thank you for the quick help again.

- -- 
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