[Numpy-discussion] NumPy on Mac OS 10.1.5

rob rob at pythonemproject.com
Fri Jul 19 05:35:04 EDT 2002

Thomas Biesinger wrote:
> Hi,
> when I try to install NumPy on Mac OS X.1.5, it fails on this error:
> ....
> cc -bundle -undefined suppress build/temp.darwin-5.5-Power Macintosh-
> 2.1/_numpymodule.o build/temp.darwin-5.5-Power Macintosh-2.1/
> arrayobject.o build/temp.darwin-5.5-Power Macintosh-2.1/ufuncobject.o -
> o build/lib.darwin-5.5-Power Macintosh-2.1/_numpy.so
> /usr/bin/ld: -undefined error must be used when -twolevel_namespace is
> in effect
> error: command 'cc' failed with exit status 1
> ~/Python/Numeric-21.3 % cc
> cc: No input files
> I had thought to submit this to the developers section of the list
> but could not find the way to subscribe to it ;-)
> If somehow had a running version of NumPy with for Mac OSX
> http://tony.lownds.com/macosx, I would appreciate it.
> Thanks everyone for their help!
> Regards,
> Thomas
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Hi Thomas, sorry I don't have the expertise to help you with your
question.  I am wondering if you are using one of Apple's new G4
machines?  I'm curious about the floating point performance of those 
chips.  If you ever get Numpy working, I have a routine that I use for a
benchmark, a Norton-Summerfeld ground (antenna) simulation routine that
I could send to you.  The record for me is 120s on a P4 1.8Ghz at work,
but I'm sure the new Xeons would beat that, and maybe the new Athlons. 
My 1.2Ghz DDR Athlon is much slower than the P4, but the clock speeds
are so much different.  Rob.

The Numeric Python EM Project


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