[Numpy-discussion] Obscure setup question

gvermeul at labs.polycnrs-gre.fr gvermeul at labs.polycnrs-gre.fr
Sat Jan 5 06:25:02 EST 2002


This is very strange. I am also making packages (RPMs in my case).
I do this as a normal user without write access to /usr/.....

If running setup.py would have as a consequence that 
/usr/lib/....../install_headers.pyc would get overwritten,
then setup.py would die.

Can you tell if your python-2.1 is really 2.1 or 2.1.1?
It happens that I am tweaking the setup.py script of
Numeric and testing with python-2.1.1 and I am sure
that distutils works.

I suggest the following test:

login as a normal user, unpack Numeric, cd Numeric and do

python2.1 setup.py install --root=~/tmp

This will install Numeric in ~/tmp/usr/lib/python2.1 and
you will see if setup.py still tries to overwrite

If so, your python2.1 is broken for some reason, if not
your build system and/or sandbox are broken. 


> Hi!
> I have noticed an interesting difference when installing Numeric-20.3
> against python-2.1 vs. python-2.2.
> When installing against python-2.1, setup trys to write to
> /usr/lib/python2.1/distutils/command/install_headers.pyc
> But when installing against python-2.2, this doesn't happen.
> Note:  this question came up because I am making an ebuild (basically a
> compile and install script) for Gentoo linux, http://www.gentoo.org. 
> The attempted write to install_headers.pyc with python-2.1 violates
> Gentoo's sandboxed build environment causing the merge to fail.  If you
> are interested see 
> http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=21
> Just curious if there is a known explanation for this.  The simple fix
> on my end, is to set the dependency >=python-2.2.
> Thanks for the great program!
> tod
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