[Numpy-discussion] swig and C/C++

Tariq Rashid tariq_rashid at lineone.net
Wed Aug 8 18:17:48 EDT 2001

in fact ... even simpler ... can anyone point me to an example of passing
Numeric arrays to and from C ... the swig examples are fine for integers /
floats ... but as i'm a new to this stuff I need a bit if guidance with
Numeric arrays ...

any ideas / pointers would be very gratefully receieved... i'm working on
wavelet stuff which i want to give back to the Numeric community....


tariq		(tariq_rashid at lineone.net)


Today's Topics:

   1. NumTut (=?ks_c_5601-1987?B?wMyx1LrA?=)
   2. swig and Numeric (Paul F. Dubois)

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