[Numpy-discussion] redirection?

John A. Turner turner at blueskystudios.com
Mon Apr 9 12:57:53 EDT 2001

>>>>> "PFD" == Paul F Dubois <dubois at users.sourceforge.net>:

PFD> It works! Thanks for coming to my aid.

however, that didn't seem to help the http://www.numpy.org/ redirection, as
reported here:

>>>>> "KB" == Karl Bellve <Karl.Bellve at umassmed.edu>:

KB> When you go to www.numpy.org, it tries to redirect you to
KB> www.numpy.org/numeric/ which it can't find...

I've fixed it so it now redirects to http://pfdubois.com/numpy, and seems
to be working

sorry for the delay in updating

John A. Turner, Ph.D.           Senior Research Associate
Blue Sky Studios, 44 S. Broadway, White Plains, NY  10601
http://www.blueskystudios.com/             (914) 259-6319

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