[Numpy-discussion] Frame beta for Linux (was: documentation)

Pablo Bleyer Kocik pbleyer at embedded.cl
Mon May 8 14:31:44 EDT 2000

Phil Austin wrote:

> Paul F. Dubois writes:
>  > The source for the document is on the ftp site. It is in Framemaker 5.5. If
>  > anyone wants to improve it they should simply grab it, let everyone know
>  > they have it for edit, and return it when done.
>  >
> Note that for the moment, Frame is available at no cost for Linux:
> http://www.linuxplanet.com/linuxplanet/previews/1812/1/
> Phil

    But that's a beta and surely Adobe will sell the final product. Not very
free-software-friendly ;^)

    Does FM import SGML? Maybe we can contribute in SGML... though the MathML
extensions aren't very standard yet.

Pablo Bleyer Kocik |
pbleyer            |"Rintrah roars & shakes his fires in the burdend air;
      @embedded.cl | Hungry clouds swag on the deep" - William Blake

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