[Numpy-discussion] single precision patch for arrayfnsmodule.c :interp()

Joe Van Andel vanandel at atd.ucar.edu
Tue Mar 28 14:30:39 EST 2000

I'm very sorry, I previously sent the wrong patch.  Here's the correct

(The other was a previous version of arrayfnsmodule.c, that added an
interpf() command.  This version adds an optional typecode to allow
specifying single precision results from interp)

Joe VanAndel  	          
National Center for Atmospheric Research
Internet: vanandel at ucar.edu
-------------- next part --------------
Index: arrayfnsmodule.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/numpy/Numerical/Src/arrayfnsmodule.c,v
retrieving revision 1.1
diff -u -r1.1 arrayfnsmodule.c
--- arrayfnsmodule.c	2000/01/20 18:18:28	1.1
+++ arrayfnsmodule.c	2000/03/28 17:55:04
@@ -575,6 +575,96 @@
    return result ;
+static int
+binary_searchf(float dval, float dlist [], int len)
+   /* binary_search accepts three arguments: a numeric value and
+    * a numeric array and its length. It assumes that the array is sorted in
+    * increasing order. It returns the index of the array's
+    * largest element which is <= the value. It will return -1 if
+    * the value is less than the least element of the array. */
+   /* self is not used */
+   int bottom , top , middle, result;
+   if (dval < dlist [0])
+      result = -1 ;
+   else {
+       bottom = 0;
+       top = len - 1;
+       while (bottom < top) {
+           middle = (top + bottom) / 2 ;
+           if (dlist [middle] < dval)
+              bottom = middle + 1 ;
+           else if (dlist [middle] > dval)
+              top = middle - 1 ;
+           else
+              return middle ;
+          }
+       if (dlist [bottom] > dval)
+          result = bottom - 1 ;
+       else
+          result = bottom ;
+      }
+   return result ;
+/* return float, rather than double */
+static PyObject *
+arr_interpf(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
+   /* interp (y, x, z) treats (x, y) as a piecewise linear function
+    * whose value is y [0] for x < x [0] and y [len (y) -1] for x >
+    * x [len (y) -1]. An array of floats the same length as z is
+    * returned, whose values are ordinates for the corresponding z
+    * abscissae interpolated into the piecewise linear function.         */
+   /* self is not used */
+   PyObject * oy, * ox, * oz ;
+   PyArrayObject * ay, * ax, * az , * _interp;
+   float * dy, * dx, * dz , * dres, * slopes;
+   int leny, lenz, i, left ;
+   PyObject *tpo = Py_None;  /* unused argument, we've already parsed it*/
+   Py_Try(PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "OOO|O", &oy, &ox, &oz, &tpo));
+   GET_ARR(ay,oy,PyArray_FLOAT,1);
+   GET_ARR(ax,ox,PyArray_FLOAT,1);
+   if ( (leny = A_SIZE (ay)) != A_SIZE (ax)) {
+       SETERR ("interp: x and y are not the same length.");
+       Py_DECREF(ay);
+       Py_DECREF(ax);
+       return NULL ;}
+   GET_ARR2(az,oz,PyArray_FLOAT,1,MAX_INTERP_DIMS);
+   lenz = A_SIZE (az);
+   dy = (float *) A_DATA (ay);
+   dx = (float *) A_DATA (ax);
+   dz = (float *) A_DATA (az);
+   /* create output array with same size as 'Z' input array */
+   Py_Try (_interp = (PyArrayObject *) PyArray_FromDims
+           (A_NDIM(az), az->dimensions, PyArray_FLOAT));
+   dres = (float *) A_DATA (_interp) ;
+   slopes = (float *) malloc ( (leny - 1) * sizeof (float)) ;
+   for (i = 0 ; i < leny - 1; i++) {
+       slopes [i] = (dy [i + 1] - dy [i]) / (dx [i + 1] - dx [i]) ;
+      }
+   for ( i = 0 ; i < lenz ; i ++ )
+      {
+       left = binary_searchf (dz [i], dx, leny) ;
+       if (left < 0)
+          dres [i] = dy [0] ;
+       else if (left >= leny - 1)
+          dres [i] = dy [leny - 1] ;
+       else
+          dres [i] = slopes [left] * (dz [i] - dx [left]) + dy [left];
+      }
+   free (slopes);
+   Py_DECREF(ay);
+   Py_DECREF(ax);
+   Py_DECREF(az);
+   return PyArray_Return (_interp);
 static char arr_interp__doc__[] =
@@ -592,8 +682,24 @@
    PyArrayObject * ay, * ax, * az , * _interp;
    double * dy, * dx, * dz , * dres, * slopes;
    int leny, lenz, i, left ;
+   PyObject *tpo = Py_None;
+   char type_char = 'd';
+   char *type = &type_char;
-   Py_Try(PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "OOO", &oy, &ox, &oz));
+   Py_Try(PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "OOO|O", &oy, &ox, &oz,&tpo));
+   if (tpo != Py_None) {
+       type = PyString_AsString(tpo);
+       if (!type)
+	   return NULL;
+       if(!*type)
+	   type = &type_char;
+   }
+   if (*type == 'f' ) {
+       return arr_interpf(self, args);
+   } else if (*type != 'd') {
+       SETERR ("interp: unimplemented typecode.");
+       return NULL;
+   }
    if ( (leny = A_SIZE (ay)) != A_SIZE (ax)) {

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