[Neuroimaging] Open PhD Position on Machine Learning for Brain Connectivity in Clinical Neuroscience

Paolo Avesani avesani at fbk.eu
Mon May 8 09:48:29 EDT 2023


We are pleased to announce the opening of one PhD position in
neuroinformatics at the International Doctoral School in Cognitive and
Brain Sciences (CIMeC) of the University of Trento, Italy. The PhD Grant is
funded by the Neuroinformatics Laboratory (NILab) of Fondazione Bruno
Kessler (FBK).  This project is in collaboration with the School of
Medicine of the University of Trento and the Division of Neurosurgery, S.
Chiara Hospital, Trento.

Clinical neuroscience is playing a key role in the understanding of the
brain with data of pathological alterations. The detection of anomalies in
the brain structure and function is a crucial step not only for diagnosis
and prognosis but also to decode the connectome of the human brain. Data
driven approaches are providing promising results to characterize the
patterns of the healthy brain. The challenge is to disentangle the
intrinsic interindividual differences in the brain structure and function
with respect to alterations related to cognitive impairment.

The research objective is to investigate the most innovative techniques of
Artificial Intelligence, such as geometric deep learning, to translate the
knowledge of connectivity structures from a healthy population to the
individual patients of a clinical study. The ultimate goal is the
development of computational methods to support the detection of altered
structures in the connectome affected by brain disorders.

The successful candidate will have a MSc in computer science, biomedical
engineering, physics, or any STEM discipline. Hands-on training in
neuroimaging data analysis and/or software tools for brain connectivity
will be highly valued. For reference to recent work of relevance to this
project, please see Astolfi et al. MICCAI (2020), Legarreta et al., Medical
Image Analysis (2021).

The position is for a 4 year PhD program (Nov. 1, 2023- Oct. 31, 2027).
Courses are in English.

The salary is starting at approximately €1.200/mo., net. An additional
personal budget of around €5.000 is provided for research and mobility.

The University of Trento ranks among top Italian Universities (
https://www.unitn.it/en/ateneo/1636/rankings). Fondazione Bruno Kessler
ranks first among the Italian research centers in Engineering and Computer
Science (

Why choose Trento? (

Important dates:

Deadline for application: 31 May 2023

Evaluation interview: 25 June 2023

Beginning of PhD program: 1 November 2023

Apply now:



You are kindly invited to contact in advance Paolo Avesani (paolo.avesani@
<paolo.avesani at unitn.it>unitn.it).

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