[Neuroimaging] Planning for data formats - upcoming journal club

Satrajit Ghosh satra at mit.edu
Tue Nov 9 11:11:44 EST 2021

hi matthew,

that paper is a great place to start. is there a document that you have
where we can add thoughts/pointers to things that have been developed or
reevaluated between 2015 and now ?

quick clarification: is the scope of the discussion limited to certain
types of data (e.g, MRI, transforms - i think this was in the czi proposal)
or broadly speaking all things neuroimaging (e.g.
MEG/EEG/Microscopy/Genetics/Surfaces) or even more general (e.g. nd-arrays,
trees, graphs )?



On Tue, Nov 9, 2021 at 10:28 AM Matthew Brett <matthew.brett at gmail.com>

> Hi,
> On Tue, Nov 9, 2021 at 2:35 PM Satrajit Ghosh <satra at mit.edu> wrote:
> >
> > hi,
> >
> > i can help provide a data archiving, metadata, and cloud/hpc access
> perspective. we are using hdf5 quite a bit both through nwb and otherwise
> at present, and are also using zarr, a cloud native format. i would not
> write off hdf5 and instead ask which use cases in what physical
> environments would run you into trouble.
> Just to clarify - I am acutely aware of the need to think carefully
> about use-cases.   In particular, I wanted to think about libraries
> for accessing the data via an API - like Zarr - and the backend
> storage format, such as HDF5, or a more transparent format like ASDF,
> Exdir or similar.  What are the issues for performance now, and in the
> future?  Can we unlock the potential of all those great Python
> multiprocessing tools more easily with one format rather than another?
>  And do we need the same or a different format for sharing data
> between applications - such as SPM?  For example, might we want to
> have several Zarr backends, one for transparency, one for performance
> and one for cross-tool compatibility (such as HDF5).
> I think the paper is very good at laying out those questions - that's
> why I thought it would be a good place to start.
> Cheers,
> Matthew
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