[Neuroimaging] ANN: nibabel 2.3.2

Christopher Markiewicz markiewicz at stanford.edu
Fri Jan 4 13:40:21 EST 2019

Hi all,

Nibabel 2.3.2 was released this past Wednesday. 2.3.2 is a bug fix release, and it was primarily triggered by some API changes in the upcoming numpy 1.16.

Please cite using the Zenodo DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.2530243<https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.2530243>

Thanks to all contributors. This release also includes a number of fiddly fixes that improved the documentation and dealt with some of the accumulating warnings issued by upstream libraries, which is great for usability.

The full changelog follows:

Bug fix release for the 2.3 series.

Most work on NiBabel so far has been by Matthew Brett (MB), Michael Hanke (MH)
Ben Cipollini (BC), Marc-Alexandre Côté (MC), Chris Markiewicz (CM), Stephan
Gerhard (SG), Eric Larson (EL), Yaroslav Halchenko (YOH) and Chris Cheng (CC).

References like "pr/298" refer to github pull request numbers.

* Enable toggling crosshair with ``Ctrl-x`` in ``OrthoSlicer3D`` viewer (pr/701)
  (Miguel Estevan Moreno, reviewed by CM)

Bug fixes
* Read .PAR files corresponding to ADC maps (pr/685) (Gregory R. Lee, reviewed
  by CM)
* Increase maximum number of items read from Siemens CSA format (Igor Solovey,
  reviewed by CM, MB)
* Check boolean dtypes with ``numpy.issubdtype(..., np.bool_)`` (pr/707)
  (Jon Haitz Legarreta Gorroño, reviewed by CM)

* Fix small typos in parrec2nii help text (pr/682) (Thomas Roos, reviewed by
* Remove deprecated calls to ``numpy.asscalar`` (pr/686) (CM, reviewed by
  Gregory R. Lee)
* Update QA directives to accommodate Flake8 3.6 (pr/695) (CM)
* Update DOI links to use ``https://doi.org`` (pr/703) (Katrin Leinweber,
  reviewed by CM)
* Remove deprecated calls to ``numpy.fromstring`` (pr/700) (Ariel Rokem,
  reviewed by CM, MB)
* Drop ``distutils`` support, require ``bz2file`` for Python 2.7 (pr/700)
  (CM, reviewed by MB)
* Replace mutable ``bytes`` hack, disabled in numpy pre-release, with
  ``bytearray``/``readinto`` strategy (pr/700) (Ariel Rokem, CM, reviewed by
  CM, MB)

API changes and deprecations
* Add ``Opener.readinto`` method to read file contents into pre-allocated buffers
  (pr/700) (Ariel Rokem, reviewed by CM, MB)


Chris Markiewicz

Center for Reproducible Neuroscience

Stanford University
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