[Neuroimaging] Looping through 3D NIFTI Image: Help

Arnav Lohe arnavlohe15 at gmail.com
Fri Jan 4 11:56:03 EST 2019

Dear Neuroimaging List Members,

My name is Arnav Lohe, and I am a junior at Rutgers University working on a
neuroimaging project. I want to write an original piece of code to
calculate the total tissue volume in a (.nii) MRI image, and to do this I
need to loop through the multidimensional array. The loop is what I do not
know how to do. I tried triple indexing, I tried converting the .nii image
into a numpy array, and got nowhere with my approaches. Does someone know
how to loop through the individual voxels and extract the numerical
information inside each one?


I have also posted this to StackOverflow, all additional relevant details
should be there.

Thanking you,
Arnav Lohe
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