[Neuroimaging] [DIPY WORKSHOP 2019 - titanium edition] Registration is now open!

Eleftherios Garyfallidis garyfallidis at gmail.com
Thu Jan 3 17:31:37 EST 2019

Hello fellow Neuroimagers!

The *DIPY* <http://dipy.org/> project is hosting an exquisite educational
workshop *March 11-15* at Indiana University, USA. See topics and detailed
information here:
*https://workshop.dipy.org* <https://workshop.dipy.org/>
The workshop will include tutorials from a great range of topics including
tracking, microstructure, and statistical analysis (see all tutorials here
<https://workshop.dipy.org/>). The workshop will also include a data
accelerator where you will be able to analyse your own data together with
the *DIPY* <http://dipy.org/> developers. More than 15 DIPY developers will
be available this year on site to help. All tutorials will run on 3 levels:
novice, intermediate and advanced.

Have in mind that this is a registration-only 5 day event.

The event is co-sponsored by the National Institute of Health (NIH) and the
School of Informatics, Computing and Engineering of Indiana University.

Exciting? Register here <https://workshop.dipy.org/>.

Questions? More than happy to answer any questions you may have here or at
dipy at python.org.

Best regards,

p.s. Please forward to all interesting parties.
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