[Neuroimaging] Time series per voxel

Christophe Pallier christophe at pallier.org
Sat Apr 28 03:41:35 EDT 2018

What do you mean 'preprocessed'?

You can extract time-series from the original EPI files (although if they
are not corrected for movement and slice timing delays, it may not be a
great idea).


On Thu, Apr 26, 2018 at 10:39 AM, Рожнов Александр Сергеевич via
Neuroimaging <neuroimaging at python.org> wrote:

> Hello!
> My name is Alexander, I am student from Russia and I am interested in MRI
> investigations. I am struggling with one problem which I can not solve for
> a long. Can you help me please?
> My aim is to obtain time series for each voxel in exact ROI. I have found
> methods which allow me to get one time serie for one ROI, but it is already
> preprocessed, what is not needed. Tell me please is there any way to solve
> this problem using implemented functions?
> Sincerely,
> Alexander Rozhnov
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Christophe Pallier <christophe at pallier.org>
INSERM-CEA Cognitive Neuroimaging Lab, Neurospin, bat 145,
91191 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex, France
Tel: 00 33 1 69 08 79 34
Personal web site: http://www.pallier.org
Lab web site: http://www.unicog.org
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