[Neuroimaging] [ANN] MNE-Python 0.15

Alexandre Gramfort alexandre.gramfort at inria.fr
Fri Oct 20 03:10:39 EDT 2017


We are very pleased to announce the new 0.15 release of MNE-Python. This
release comes with new features, bug fixes, and many improvements to
usability, visualization, and documentation.

A few highlights



   We reinvented our documentation. Our website now unifies tutorials,
   examples and background information into one coherent narrative structure
   while preserving context. Check it out


   Add mne.decoding.cross_val_multiscore()
   to allow scoring of multiple tasks, typically used with the new

   Add mne.decoding.ReceptiveField
   module for modeling neural responses to continuous stimulation

   Add mne.decoding.SPoC
   to fit and apply spatial filters based on continuous target variables

   butterfly mode (toggled with ‘b’ key)

   IO support for EGI MFF format

   confidence intervals, number of free parameters, and χ²

   Add mne.VectorSourceEstimate
   class which enables working with both source power and dipole orientations;
   use option pick_ori='vector' to mne.minimum_norm.apply_inverse()

   New high-frequency somatosensory MEG dataset

   Add unit-noise-gain beamformer and neural activity index (weight
   normalization) to LCMV beamformer with weight_norm parameter

   Add filtering functions mne.Epochs.filter()
   and mne.Evoked.filter()
   as well as pad argument to mne.io.Raw.filter()

   Enable morphing between hemispheres with mne.compute_morph_matrix()

   Add interactive time cursor and category/amplitude status message in
   window for evoked plot

   We exposed a rank parameter in mne.viz.evoked.plot_evoked_white()
   that allows for correcting the scaling of the visualization on the spot in
   cases where the rank estimate of the covariance is not accurate (for
   certain SSS’d data)

Notable API changes



   ICA channel names have now been reformatted to start from zero, e.g.
   "ICA000", to match indexing schemes in mne.preprocessing.ICA

   Add skip_by_annotation to mne.io.Raw.filter()
   to process data concatenated with e.g. mne.concatenate_raws()

   Add new filtering mode fir_design='firwin' (default in the next 0.16
   release) that gets improved attenuation using fewer samples compared to
   fir_design='firwin2' (default in 0.15)

   Add mne.beamformer.make_lcmv()
   and mne.beamformer.apply_lcmv()
   and mne.beamformer.apply_lcmv_raw()
   to enable the separate computation and application of LCMV beamformer

   and related methods (e.g. mne.io.Raw.set_eeg_reference()
   have a new argument projection, which if set to False directly applies
   an average reference instead of adding an SSP projector

   mask_type parameter will change from 'not_and' to 'and' d

   picks parameter in mne.beamformer.lcmv()
   and mne.beamformer.rap_music()
   is now deprecated

   The keyword argument frequencies has been deprecated in favor of freqs
   in various time-frequency functions, e.g.

   Deprecate force_fixed and surf_ori in mne.read_forward_solution()

   The behavior of 'mean_flip' label-flipping in
   and related functions has been changed such that the flip, instead of
   having arbitrary sign, maximally aligns in the positive direction of the
   normals of the label

For a full list of improvements and API changes, see:


To install the latest release the following command should do the job:

pip install --upgrade --user mne

As usual we welcome your bug reports, feature requests, critiques, and


Some links:

- https://github.com/mne-tools/mne-python (code + readme on how to install)

- http://martinos.org/mne/stable/ (full MNE documentation)

Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/mne_news


The MNE-Python developers

People who contributed to this release (in alphabetical order):

* akshay0724

* Alejandro Weinstein

* Alexander Rudiuk

* Alexandre Barachant

* Alexandre Gramfort

* Andrew Dykstra

* Britta Westner

* Chris Bailey

* Chris Holdgraf

* Christian Brodbeck

* Christopher Holdgraf

* Clemens Brunner

* Cristóbal Moënne-Loccoz

* Daniel McCloy

* Daniel Strohmeier

* Denis A. Engemann

* Emily P. Stephen

* Eric Larson

* Fede Raimondo

* Jaakko Leppakangas

* Jean-Baptiste Schiratti

* Jean-Remi King

* Jesper Duemose Nielsen

* Joan Massich

* Jon Houck

* Jona Sassenhagen

* Jussi Nurminen

* Laetitia Grabot

* Laura Gwilliams

* Luke Bloy

* Lukáš Hejtmánek

* Mainak Jas

* Marijn van Vliet

* Mathurin Massias

* Matt Boggess

* Mikolaj Magnuski

* Nicolas Barascud

* Nicole Proulx

* Phillip Alday

* Ramonapariciog Apariciogarcia

* Robin Tibor Schirrmeister

* Rodrigo Hübner

* S. M. Gutstein

* Simon Kern

* Teon Brooks

* Yousra Bekhti
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