[Neuroimaging] [Dipy] VTK animation of tractography

Paolo Avesani avesani at fbk.eu
Thu Mar 9 12:57:47 EST 2017

I need to prepare an animated visualization of tractography.
The main objective is to show sequentially some intermediate steps of
processing of tractography.

For example a sequence of three scenes: (i) the visualization of the whole
tractogram, (ii) the visualization of a ROI, (iii) the visualization of the
streamlines selected by the ROI and the hide of the remaining ones.

I had in mind to use the VTK support of Dipy. The issue I'm facing with is
that once rendered and showed the scene, it is no more possible to
incrementally revise the objects to be rendered. I need to "destroy" the
window before to build the next scene. It affects the perception of

Is there a "simple" way to visualize/hide objects in the window after the
"show" command?
Currently after the "show" command, the listener doesn't release the prompt
for new commands.

Other solutions are equally welcome.
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