[Neuroimaging] Fwd: Reduce Control for Data Input Interfaces

Timothy Hendrickson hendr522 at umn.edu
Wed Dec 20 19:03:58 EST 2017

Timothy Hendrickson
Department of Psychiatry
University of Minnesota
Bioinformatics and Computational Biology M.S. Candidate
Office: 612-624-6441
Mobile: 507-259-3434 (texts okay)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Timothy Hendrickson <hendr522 at umn.edu>
Date: Wed, Dec 20, 2017 at 5:17 PM
Subject: Reduce Control for Data Input Interfaces
To: nipy-devel at neuroimaging.scipy.org


I have some data that I am attempting to run the HCP pipeline through.
Since my data does not conform to the BIDS data directory format I have to
run a modified version of the hcpre python package. Requirements for input
into the HCP pipeline shell scripts are individual strings such as base
directory, and subject number. Obviously I have had a hell of a time trying
to find a data input interface which allows this functionality, since
everyone that I have looked at (SelectFiles, DataGrabber) automatically
build the entire path to the subject's directory.

I suppose my inquiries are two-fold.

1) Is there an elegant way to split up output from the input interfaces so
I can have just the base directory or just the subject number?
2) Is there a way in which I can verify that a particular subject (or file)
exists within a base directory, but drop the base directory string leaving
only the file name or subject number?



Timothy Hendrickson
Department of Psychiatry
University of Minnesota
Bioinformatics and Computational Biology M.S. Candidate
Office: 612-624-6441 <(612)%20624-6441>
Mobile: 507-259-3434 <(507)%20259-3434> (texts okay)
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