[Neuroimaging] Nipy.org new website needs a complete remake

Ariel Rokem arokem at gmail.com
Tue Jul 28 17:43:40 CEST 2015

On Mon, Jul 27, 2015 at 8:58 PM, Eleftherios Garyfallidis <
garyfallidis at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> On Mon, Jul 27, 2015 at 5:13 AM, Matthew Brett <matthew.brett at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On Mon, Jul 27, 2015 at 6:25 AM, Gael Varoquaux
>> <gael.varoquaux at normalesup.org> wrote:
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > Since it is the time to gives one opinion
>> Sorry to be quiet.
>> I don't have strong feelings about whether the new or old website is
>> better, but Ariel saved us from a lot of frustration by moving us to
>> github pages before the recent Sourceforge meltdown [1].
> Nobody is saying something different about that. This is irrelevant to the
> point of the thread.
> I very much appreciate Ariel's push and work on the gh-pages.
>> Eleftherios - your main complaint against Jeykll is that it's hard to
>> render the pages before you submit a PR?
> No, Jeykill is great but Pelican is as as great and in Python and supports
> both md and rst.
> So, as this being a Python project I would give it a chance.
>> I don't think it's that
>> hard - see http://jekyllrb.com  . OK, it involves installing something
>> in Ruby via gem, but that's not a major burden, and pelican is not
>> trivial to set up either.
>> Pelican is easy to setup at least this is my experience from trying it on
> my machine.
> I haven't played with Jekyll to see if Jekyll is easier in some way.

The main advantage of Jekyll relative to all the other solutions is that no
one has to *ever* build the site on their machine, and that you really
didn't need to go through even the minor burden of installing Jekyll on
your machine. Everything is done on the Github side. You can review the
fully rendered site on a contributor's fork, before merging any changes.
For example, here is the website on the gh-pages branch of my fork of the


Any less automated process poses a barrier to contribution and
collaboration, relative to this workflow. I too love the new design, but I
would like to see it implemented in an automated manner, and I don't see
how we do that with Flask (or with Pelican). Since the main difference is
really the design used, maybe there's some way to use that design on a
Jekyll-based infrastructure?

>> For the content - I don't think it's reasonable to ask Ariel to make
>> the changes, any more that it would be for code.
> I am happy to change the content my self and I will do. But are we getting
> a bit too
> formal in our discussions? Is it bad to disagree if I don't like something
> or ask for
> changes?
> If you think it
>> could be done better, then please, make a PR, surely that will not be
>> much work, and will give the best possible idea of what you would
>> prefer.
> Matthew, my hope was that at least first people would agree to give
> Pelican or Sphinx
> a chance. If there is no agreement on that I cannot go and make a PR like
> that.
> I will make PRs on the content but first I need to see what is the
> vision/goal of the portal.
> Which is missing from the current version of the website. But I see that
> Vanessa
> is actually improving the initial design a lot. When that is done it will
> be easier for
> me to contribute.
> Cheers,
> Eleftherios
> Cheers,
>> Matthew
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