[Neuroimaging] [Dipy] Problem with QuickBundle

Ignacio Javier Osorio Wallace iosorio at udec.cl
Tue Jul 14 00:00:14 CEST 2015

Hello there, my name is Ignacio Osorio Wallace, I'm an electronic 
engineer student at Concepcion University (Chile). I'm currently working 
on the creating of a software that could use your library to reconstruct 
and segment brain fiber from the NIfTI1Image objects.

I followed your examples to get a hint of how to work with Dipy. And I'm 
having some problems with the QuickBundle. The specific problem is shown 

Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "/home/cocobio/MEGA/2015/Python/Project/segment_quickbundles.py", 
line 43, in <module>
     clusters = qb.cluster(streamlines)
line 459, in cluster
   File "dipy/segment/clustering_algorithms.pyx", line 111, in 
   File "dipy/segment/clusteringspeed.pyx", line 273, in 
ValueError: Data features' shapes must be compatible according to the 
metric used!

I think I'm not doing anything wrong, since this is the example code 
provided by the Dipy web-page. The reconstruction and tracking using ODF 
is working perfectly.

If you could help in any way, I will greatly appreciate.

Thanks for your time. And I hope my English didn't sound to casual.

Ignacio Osorio Wallace.

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