[PyDelhi] Tech Triveni 2.0 | 23rd - 24th Nov, 2019 | PyDelhi Community Collaboration

satyakam goswami satyaakam at gmail.com
Tue Sep 24 08:56:34 EDT 2019

> We are accepting talk submissions for the above tracks, Please spread the
> word within your community and ask your folks to submit the talks here.
> <https://techtriveni.com/proposal> *This time we are also bringing
> hands-on training sessions*. Please let me know if someone from your
> community interested in giving a hands-on session.

while i checked the CFP date it closes on 25th ie:tomorrow , the question
is when you knew about the group and expect some contributions in the
content you could have approached the community earlier ?

> *Thank you for supporting us last year as Community Partners. We are
> looking for support this year also.*

I don't know what has happened last year and how the community helped your
cause ? can you eloborate what kind of support you are looking for this
year ?

Satyakam.dev | afrost.org | fossevents.in <http://www.fossevents.in>
** For all official purposes use my name as Satyakam Goswami **
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