[PyDelhi] Call for Volunteers for the ILUGD Summer Project 2019

Piyush Aggarwal piyushaggarwal002 at gmail.com
Wed Jun 12 15:40:25 EDT 2019

Hey everyone!

Delhi's largest community project: *The* *ILUG-D Summer Project 2019* has
been announced over all social media channels!
If you’re looking to work on an awesome project with some real challenge
this holiday season,* set sail for adventure with us!*
We look forward to spending an awesome summer working on an awesome mega
project with you all!

*This will indeed be an amazing learning experience which will also
leave its mark on your developer profile! ;)*
For those of you who aren't aware about the ILUG-D Summer Project 2019
Every public event consumes a large amount of human resources on redundant
procedures, that could have been better used elsewhere.
ILUG-D Summer Project 2019 is a Mega Project designed to ease the
organizing procedure of any given event. We have broken down the mega
project into 4 modules that take care of a major chunk of the organizing
process as seen in every meetup- finalizing a venue, promoting an event
over the social media platforms and mail, creating posters for the event
and speakers, handling attendance of the event, recording the talks of the
event and finally, collecting feedback from the attendees.

*Some of the modules are still in the early phases, but will soon begin
heavy development. These are:-*
*1. **Scribe*: A simple RPi based video recorder :
*2.** Valkommen*: A straightforward tool for attendance management and
feedback retrieval : http://github.com/ilugd/valkommen
*3.** Birdman*: An automated mail and social media publishing command line
interface : http://github.com/ilugd/birdman
*4.** Splatter*: A Simple Poster Generator written in Golang :

*The GateKeepers have already broken down the respective modules into small
tasks that you can take up and start working upon right within minutes!*
To start working on the project with us:
1. Join our Telegram group to discuss the project you're interested in,
with the respective GateKeepers: http://t.me/joinchat/HZnpYUli-oYZw-Lu8XbcCQ
2. Tag one of the GateKeepers with your question regarding the project. Be
sure to take a look at the README hosted at each project's link to get a
better understanding of the project.

GateKeepers and their Telegram Handles:-
Scribe : @p5g41tmlx
Valkommen : @brute4s99
Birdman : @iampoppyxx
Splatter : @hellozee
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