[PyDelhi] PyDelhi Meetup | Call for Speakers

Mayank mayankapex3 at gmail.com
Wed Aug 29 07:12:10 EDT 2018

Hello everyone,

PyDelhi is conducting its next meetup on September 01, 2018. For all the
people especially the new ones the way we decide on the talks is by
proposing as issues here: https://github.com/pydelhi/talks/issues

do comment on your favorite talks which you would like to get delivered in
the upcoming meetups.

Every alternate meetup we have Devsprints which are more hands-on sessions

Do send your suggestions, ideas on the mailing list or just leave it as a
comment in Telegram channel (https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAEK2nzPg0IlwbbAing)
or create an issue on Github we will look into it.

Folks who want to volunteer for running meetings, creating posters or
arranging venues and talking to speakers for meetings feel free to reach
out to the existing members.

Thank You!
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