[PyDelhi] Minutes of Meeting || 26-May-2016

Peeyush Aggarwal peeyushaggarwal94 at gmail.com
Sat May 28 15:48:14 EDT 2016

Hi folks,

Minutes of Meetings for Meeting held on 26th May 2016.

Following topics were discussed in the meeting:

1. CFP taintative dates as guidance for CFP team:

CFP Closure/ submission: dead line one week , June 29
Acceptance of talks: July 10th
presentation upload: July 27th minimum 3 weeks
Final review: least 15 days before: 5th August
Schedule announcement: 20 days before: (20th August) August 25th

These are guideline for the CFP team and final deadlines for these will be
decided by them.

CFP team to clearly mention that there will be no travel allowances.

CFP team to manage announcements,  people are not even aware that CFP is
open, there is no current advertising.

- Announcements to be sent out to local mailing lists too
-  Lot more posts need to go out asking for Proposals
- Lot more social media posts need to happen

There needs to be another announcement mentioning the deadline for CFP done
by the CFP team.

2. Ticket sales to open asap. The Venue team will be making sure to setup a
event on explara and open the tickets asap and make the announcements with
the help of social media team. This task should be completed by this Monday
30th May.

3. Venue team to coordinate and contact potential people for Keynote
speakers based on input from the community(using the suggestions in
existing discussion about this) Selection.

4. Keynote Speaker to be finalized asap. Deadline is June 14.

5. Sponsorship team to contact Satyaakam and use existing prospectus and
template for contacting sponsors.
Sponsorship to close One month before the event.

6. Once Event is setup and ticket registrations open,  there needs to be a
blog post posting the deadlines above.

Team PyCon India
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