[PyDelhi] procuring video equipment for recording talks

Anuvrat Parashar anuvrat at anuvrat.in
Wed Mar 30 00:57:57 EDT 2016

--->>> is it absolutely necessary: no.

One of the criteria we are trying to push forward when considering
proposals for pycon is whether somebody has presented at a local meetup or
A video of their presentations in pydelhi could be used for surfacing first
time speakers.

Neither have I ever learned something entirely from video tutorials /
recordings of conferences. However, there have been instances when video
did help: eg comprehending the twisted framework would have been impossible
without EuroPython's workshop.

A thought at the back of speaker's mind, that their presentation will be
etched in time forever, will may be implore them to give their best?

--->> would it help the community grow? IMO, Yes.

Anuvrat Parashar <http://anuvrat.in>
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