[PyDelhi] Sponsors (was Re: [Ncr-Python.in] [Pydelhi] Minutes of meeting hangout session 18-06-2015)

Saurabh Kumar thes.kumar at gmail.com
Mon Jun 29 06:46:56 CEST 2015

> We are  looking for sponsors for a Virtual Server with the following
> Ram 512 MB - 1 GB
> HDD Space  30 GB
> This server will be used  for the following purposes
> Etherpad : pads.pydelhi.org , we will be using this for planning ,
ideation and notes taking for the group .
> IRC Bot (maximus)  : Will be  based on Hubot for logging and monitoring
the channel
> ZNC server : IRC bouncer for the community
> let us know if you have any further questions and queries regarding the

Another thing came to my mind which we can host under the banner of
that requires server resource is http://www.planetplanet.org/ (thoughts?).

The idea is to provide a platform/audience that can keep up and encourage
blog writing in
out community.

That said, here is final list of applications under proposal for hosting:

- Etherpad[1] : pads.pydelhi.org , we will be using this for planning ,
ideation and notes taking for the group .
- IRC Bot (maximus)  : Will be  based on Hubot[2] for logging and
monitoring the channel
- ZNC server[3] : IRC bouncer for the community
- Planet Feed Reader[4] : To aggregate community blog posts via RSS feeds

We are looking for both infrastructure providers as well as maintainer for
these applications.

We as a community, welcome and appreciate your contribution.



[1] http://etherpad.org/
[2] https://hubot.github.com/
[3] http://wiki.znc.in/ZNC
[4] http://www.planetplanet.org/

*​*Saurabh Kumar

On Sat, Jun 27, 2015 at 3:28 PM, Swapneel Patnekar <swapneel at brainattic.in>

> On Thu, Jun 25, 2015 at 7:35 PM, qua non <akshayaurora at gmail.com> wrote:
>> What's the estimated cost for such a server? would help to have the price
>> handy while talking to sponsors.
>> ​For the specs which Satya mentioned in his email earlier, cost should be
> around 4-6k (this is subjective and dependent on the hosting provider).
> From my experience of running fosstr.org, I went with the basic plan
> (5$/mo) from Digital Ocean. We're currently running a Mailman instance for
> the mailing list, a Django app(RSVP) and the website static files which is
> purely HTML.
> --
> Best,
> Swapneel
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