[PyDelhi] Lets meetup on 4th of July 2015

Gora Mohanty gora at mimirtech.com
Wed Jul 1 21:50:20 CEST 2015

On 2 July 2015 at 00:56, kracekumar ramaraju
<kracethekingmaker at gmail.com> wrote:
> As part of running other meetup group, it has helped us to reach wider
> audience because of meetup,
> twitter, facebook. Presence in meetup helps discoverability.
> Meetup's RSVP helps event organizer to plan out for logistics and sending
> instruction to participants
> about workshops and other instructions.
> Certain companies will ask for attendees names in advance, mostly in IT
> Parks, meetup RSVP's will help there.

IMHO, that is a problem with such companies.

If participants on this list are OK with such closed sites, with
signup required, then please do go ahead by all means. I just meant to
request that RSVPs on this list also be accepted. Personally, I am
strongly opposed to requiring people to sign up for anything outside
of the mailing list in order to participate in activities publicised
on the list. However, that is, of course, a matter of consensus, and
in the worst-case scenario I can just choose not to participate.


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