[PyDelhi] Celebrations for Birthday of PyDelhi.

qua non akshayaurora at gmail.com
Thu Dec 24 06:51:29 EST 2015

We had asked volunteers to do a small poster for PyDelhi Birthday bash and
here is a sample we got from Ashutosh Sung

Preview attachment pydelhi.jpgpydelhi.jpg79 KB

On Thu, Dec 24, 2015 at 10:35 AM, qua non <akshayaurora at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hey folks,
> It's been more than a year of regular meets thanks to all you folks,
> though PyDelhi itself is a lot older.
> It's time to celebrate the Birthday of PyDelhi. Thanks to all you folks
> for making PyDelhi a success.
> We have decided to have our first meet of the new year as standing time to
> hold our birthday celebrations. If you have a better idea, please don't
> hesitate to let us know.
> We need your input on how to celebrate the event, on 9th January 2016,
>  included are a few suggestions some of us came up with.
> - Quiz on Python with prizes like laptop Bags from PyCon India,  T-shirts,
> ...(we are looking for companies who can sponsor better gifts)
> - Presentations/flash talks by those students and new comers to python on
> what they did with python since joining PyDelh.
> -  Q&A session between students and people who work in companies using
> python on how they use python in their companies in the real world..
> - Hacking session where people create small games we all vote for the
> winner same prizes as above.
> - Your suggestions here.
> Kind Regards
> Akkshay
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