[Ncr-Python.in] Summary of meetup on 17th may 2014 as documented on python wiki page and facebook

Vinay Dahiya vinay.not.nice at gmail.com
Sun May 18 18:27:57 CEST 2014

We started of with:

   - Interaction with a team lead by *Dr Victor Udoewa* from Google's
   http://www.webacademy.com/splash/ project who would be " using the
   insights in order to create a curriculum on digital literacy"
   - Dr Vicotr Udoewa gave a talk on Digital Literacy and what Google is
   doing to solve the digital illiteracy at different level.
   - He told us that Google is trying to solve the problem at three
   different levels.
   - 1st is Power. for areas where stable power source is not there they
   are helping to setup up power sources that are mainly renewable sources.
   - 2nd is Infrastructure for areas that have stable power they help in
   setup infrastructure for internet like setting up fibecables etc.
   - 3rd is outreach program where they go out to teach them. They help
   them in becoming digital literate and better use the knowledge that is
   there available through digital mediums.
   - In his talk he showed us a video how digital literacy can be helpful
   very inspiring link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OE63BYWdqC4
   - It was a long talk with a lot information on literacy education etc.
   - After that there was a feed back session for *Dr Victor Udoewa* teams

Next up was some thought's shared by fellow pythonista *Vaidik Kapoor* here
are his thought's in his own words as sent out on mailing list thread:

I spoke about my recent adventures of trying to make Python slightly more
functional. I spoke about two things today: Partial Functions or Currying
and Tail Call. So just to remind you of the same, I am sharing some content
with you so that you can read it if you want to know more:

   1. Partial Functions
      1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Currying
      2. http://pydanny.com/python-partials-are-fun.html
      2. Tail Recursion
      1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tail_call

To understand what Functional features Python has to offer other than list
comprehensions and the simple map, reduce and filter functions, checkout
the functools library: http://docs.python.org/2/library/functools.html.

If anyone has more to share, please do so on this thread! I will share my
work once I have made some progress towards documentation and more testing.

Guys so if you want to be informed about stuff like this go register @

Next was Aniket Maithani who is doing a project using Pi board named HASS:

Home Automation & Security System [HASS] is a full fledged home automation
system which will be economically viable for the user to adapt. The cross
platform type of the application will enable user to get alerts on the go
irrespective of the type of phone/system a user uses. The application would
be released under GPL License.
                             Taken from the documentation found @

He is open to suggestion and discussioin about the project improvement and
other ideas related to it. So don't hesitate and find him on
https://github.com/aniketmaithani also a member of the mailing list.

Last up was general discussions about the next meetup. Anuvrat Parashar and
all the members of  Reviews42 team that are part of Ncr-python user group
have also proposed Reviews42 as the venue for the next meetup.

And for those interested in cloud technology, systems , HGigh perfomance
computing, high performance networks etc. Prof. Andrew Lynn has offered to
help out with JNU resources.

Is it ok to post group photos of the meetup on facebook and this mailing
list ?

(Vinay Dahiya)
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