[Ncr-Python.in] [Offtopic] My two cents to the problem of Online Interviews

Yousuf Fauzan yousuffauzan at gmail.com
Wed May 29 08:14:17 CEST 2013

Hello Guys,

Apologies for offtopic post.

I am writing to you guys to introduce a small utility I made called

CodeBunk is a tool ideally suited for interviewing developers online. It
consists of a Collaborative Editor, a Compiler/Interpreter for 7 languages
(Python being one of them), and Video/Audio Chat. Being a Python lover
myself, I wrote the utility in Python (Flask).

You can also follow CodeBunk on Facebook at http://facebook.com/codebnk or
on twitter at http://twitter.com/CodeBunk

If you are a Quora user, you can review CodeBunk or ask/answer CodeBunk
related questions at http://www.quora.com/CodeBunk

I request you all to check out CodeBunk once, and to recommend it to others
if you like it.

In either case, do let me know what you think of CodeBunk and whether you
or your company will use it for Interviewing purposes.

Yousuf Fauzan
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