[Ncr-Python.in] Python MeetUp At JNU

satyaakam goswami satyaakam at gmail.com
Mon May 30 22:21:12 CEST 2011

On Thu, May 26, 2011 at 10:49 AM, sachin chugh <sachinmcajnu at gmail.com>wrote:

> Next Python meetup is going to be held at JNU on this upcoming
> Saturday.............
> DATE :   28.5.2011
> TIME:      10:00 AM
> VENUE:   School Of Computer and Systems Sciences (Near Administration
> Block)

We started late around 11 Am , i had to travel from Ghaziabad and was
running late from the word go picked up Arulalan on my way rom IIT gate .

Pycon india CFP dates are out and still we have some time to apply for it i
suggest folks apply in big number from NCR

mostly the ideas were around what is a good topic to present and what has
been the precedent so far , we wandered around in  discussions mainly about
where all Python is used how to get to popularize Python in  colleges
around NCR.

projects whose names were mentioned and discussed during discussion were

1) http://www.cis-india.org/research/cis-raw/histories/wiki/
2) http://code.google.com/p/wiki-analysis/source/browse/#svn/trunk/scratch
3) http://code.google.com/p/sshpt/
4) Khanacademy.org
5) http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/dbus
6) http://www.nkn.in/garudaoverview.php
7) indlinux.org

following  folks who were present


Anmol will be talking to Prof  Andrew about next meetup on 12th in JNU ,
Debyan raised the point of a big mega event in NCR area to which i pointed
Prof Andrew is the right person to answer queries about it , hopefully we
will be having a healthy discussion around this topic too in the next

Kapil's Dept is also ok with hosting meetings on a regular basis .

We all dispersed around 1.30 Pm , searching for a place to have our Lunch
JNU folks suggested 24/7 on the campus , but i had a different plan for
Arulalan took him to
we had our lunch at secular house , looks like Arul had a Dosa after
months while in Delhi , i think he should now be treated more often so that
he can stick around longer  :-) .

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