[Ncr-Python.in] developing a data mining tool, along with a webserver

Rohan Malhotra yourbuddyrohan at gmail.com
Thu Feb 24 12:12:57 CET 2011

Copying python mailing list for more suggestions :-)

Start with installing webserver like apache and db. For web development, use
a framework like web2py or Django. I have been using web2py for quite some
time and it is very simple and follows the MVC architecture and pretty good
integration with database layer.

Django has been around for a long time and has pretty big user base when
compared to web2py. Web2py is comparatively new.
You can choose either of these frameworks. You can of course avoid using any
framework all together but frameworks makes your life little simpler and it
will be easier for you as you have not done anything for web before.

For data mining tool, you need good knowledge of db. Processing of data can
be done very easily in python layer. You can check out
http://wiki.python.org/moin/NumericAndScientific/Plotting for graphs/charts


On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 4:19 PM, vijay shanker <deontics at gmail.com> wrote:

> hi,
> hav been coding with python for arn 2 yrs.. never did nething for web..
> bascally into application development..coding frm arn 4 years..
> vijay
> On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 1:34 PM, Rohan Malhotra <yourbuddyrohan at gmail.com>wrote:
>> can you tell me at about your conform level with python? Are you just
>> getting started with python? do you have general programming experience?
>> It will be good, if you post this question to entire list. More gurus are
>> present on list ;)
>> Regards
>> On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 1:30 PM, vijay shanker <deontics at gmail.com>wrote:
>>> hi rohan,
>>> i want to use python for developing a data mining tool, along with a
>>> webserver  ..will be using mysql.. provide me some inputs on how to stat
>>> with this problem..
>>> regards
>>> vijay shanker

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