[moin-user] xapian on moinmoin

Paul Boddie paul at boddie.org.uk
Sun Jul 29 10:24:32 EDT 2018

On Sunday 29. July 2018 15.31.28 mor fall wrote:
> hello Paul
> Have you an example on how to insert PYTHON_LIB on moin command.
> I have never learnt python, i try to check on the internet but i didn't
> understand how to insert PYTHON_LIB

From my first reply, referring to what you might specify when installing 

./configure --with-python --prefix=/myprefix \
  PYTHON_LIB=/myprefix/lib/python2.7 PYTHON=/myprefix/bin/python2.7

So, when you configured xapian-bindings, you will have used the PYTHON_LIB 
variable on the command line like in the example above. This variable is 
specific to xapian-bindings and is not a standard variable for use with Python 
or Moin. It is just something that the Xapian developers decided that you have 
to specify.

But it is the value of that variable which is of interest. You need to use 
that value to change the moin script so that the sys.path refers to where the 
xapian-bindings are installed for Python. Again, this is what I wrote about 

> So, in /srv/moin-private/python-env/bin/moin you can follow the advice and
> edit the code as follows:
> #Fix and uncomment those 2 lines if your moin command doesn't find...
> import sys
> sys.path.insert(0,
> '/srv/moin-private/python-env/lib/python2.7/site-packages')
> Here, I made a guess at where you have installed the xapian package, but
> you will have specified this using PYTHON_LIB when configuring the
> xapian-bindings code.

And what I mention in the above is the process I mention at the top of this 

So what you need to do is...

1. Review the way you configured xapian-bindings and note the value of the 
PYTHON_LIB variable.

2. Take the value of the PYTHON_LIB variable and see whether the directory it 
specifies contains Xapian-related software.

3. Adjust the value of PYTHON_LIB to work with Python. This may mean adding 
"site-packages" to the end.

4. Change the moin script, putting the value in a sys.path.insert call.

I hope this is clearer now.


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