[moin-user] MoinMoin very slow

Volker Wysk post at volker-wysk.de
Thu Nov 2 13:13:23 EDT 2017

Am Donnerstag, 2. November 2017, 17:42:20 CET schrieb Paul Boddie:
> Was this performance issue something that just started to happen, or is it 
> that you finally made a big page and then saw that it was slow?

It just started at a point in time. I've had this very page with no such issues.

> Looking at your statistics again, I see that part of the block of time being 
> consumed is this:
> Page.execute = 20.668s
> Now, this is supposedly concerned with just delivering the cached content 
> (either generated previously or for this request). But I wonder whether it 
> should really take very long given that what it should be doing is executing a 
> compiled representation of the content. For me, it takes hardly any time at 
> all within all the time used by a request.
> I'm wondering if there's a convenient way of profiling Moin. The wiki has some 
> old pages about profiling, but I see that in the CGI script, there's a way of 
> generating a profile:
> class Config(CgiConfig):
>     # Server name - used to create .prof files
>     name = 'moin'
>     # Properties
>     # Allow overriding any request property by the value defined in
>     # this dict e.g properties = {'script_name': '/mywiki'}.
>     ## properties = {}
>     # Hotshot profile (default commented)
>     ## hotshotProfile = name + '.prof'
> If you change the last part to something like this...
>     hotshotProfile = "/tmp/moin.prof"
> ...this will hopefully generate profiling information (without complaining 
> about permissions), 

No luck on my side.  Just to be sure: you mean adding the class definition 
above to /usr/local/share/moin/server/moin.cgi, and doing a "service 
apache2 restart". There was no "class Config(CgiConfig)" in there, before.

> and it can be converted to readable information as 
> follows:
> hotshot2calltree -o /tmp/moin.tree /tmp/moin.prof
> We can probably even use other tools to visualise this nicely:
> kcachegrind /tmp/moin.tree
> Although my brief tests don't provide so much useful information, maybe there 
> is something more interesting in any data you can generate.


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