[moin-user] How to only enable SuperUser to create new Users?

Asis Hallab asis.hallab at gmail.com
Mon Apr 24 07:52:42 EDT 2017

Dear MoinMoin experts,

after some trying and help from this mailing list, finally I successfully
could setup ACL to allow only registered users read access to the Wiki.
However anyone still can create an account and subsequently login to read
any pages.

I followed the manual given here:


in order to restrict user creation to the super user only.

Unfortunately I get an error after restarting the apache server and
accessing the Wiki:

Detected a misconfigured UNIX filesystem: Will use UTF-8 as filesystem
encoding instead of 'ANSI_X3.4-1968'

I really do not know, what to make of this error. The file myauth.py as
explained in the above mentioned manual was written in vim right on the
server. Also the filesystem is not corrupted, as far as I can see.

For the moment I reverted to prohibit the creation of users and just switch
it on, when I need to create new users. A bit cumbersome, but at least it

Is there really no elegant way to do this?

Have a good day and Cheers!
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