[Moin-user] MoinMoin Development Activity

Paul Boddie paul at boddie.org.uk
Wed Mar 23 18:57:52 EDT 2016

On Wednesday 23. March 2016 21.50.18 anton wrote:
> Hi,
> I just looked at moinmoin since a longer time period.
> The last bitbucket comit is about 9 months ago,
> so for me it looks thats its silently dead ...
> as your question has not got an answer since one month...
> Its sad.

Indeed. Looking at the Moin 2.0 repository on Bitbucket...


...it appears that there was some kind of activity in February. I guess that 
development of things has drifted over to Bitbucket without any real 
indication of why that happened. And the IRC logs have been even less 
informative than usual. I haven't been on IRC to ask questions, however.

Of course, Moin 1.x (and Moin 2.0) can be as active as we want them to be, 
regardless of what Thomas and others are doing these days [*]. Since people 
are still actively using and deploying Moin, perhaps some efforts should be 
made to push it/them forward in the direction of our choosing.

One thing that I thought about a while ago was to improve the anti-spam 
mechanisms. It seems that a lot of public Moin deployments these days use 
external mechanisms to grant accounts (such as the old-fashioned "ask someone 
to give you an account" approach), but there is some potential for improving 
the basic measures so that spam account creation doesn't happen so easily. 
Having a usable and secure "out of the box" policy for editing is probably the 
highest priority improvement I can think of.

Other than enhancements like that, I can imagine some tidying up of the code 
being useful. I think the argument that we should all be making Moin 2.0 ready 
for wider usage doesn't really hold up so well any more. Ideally, Moin 2.0 
would indeed be ready for people to deploy and would support Moin 1.x features 
so that people would just migrate, but things didn't get that far. Meanwhile, 
people who like Moin still seem to deploy Moin 1.x.

Does anyone else have any ideas for things that could be improved/fixed in 
Moin 1.x? Would a Moin 1.10 be a worthwhile exercise after all?


[*] https://mail.python.org/pipermail/borgbackup/2016q1/date.html

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