[Moin-user] 500 Internal Server Error on v1.9.8

Thomas Waldmann tw at waldmann-edv.de
Fri May 29 15:27:32 EDT 2015

On 05/29/2015 08:57 PM, Ryan L. Raines wrote:
> Thanks Thomas for your reply. 
> /I never saw your reply in an email, I just stumbled upon it in the
> archives.  /

Strange. I just hit "reply list".

> I followed your steps: stop apache,  cleancache, start apache. 
> Same results were experienced: 'Internal Server Error 500' and same
> errors in the apache error_log. 

Then you maybe didn't run it on the right wiki / with the right config?
You likely will need --wiki-url and --config-dir params to tell where it
finds the config and which wiki you mean.


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