[Moin-user] Replacing a Wiki does not work as expected

Thomas Waldmann tw at waldmann-edv.de
Mon Oct 27 08:31:49 EDT 2014

On 10/23/2014 02:25 PM, Kai Jaeger wrote:
>> If you replace the data_dir or data_underlay_dir content behind moin's
>> back, you need to restart the moin process afterwards (or even better:
>> stop, replace, start).
>> moin does caching and if you do not restart, the cache would be
>> inconsistent with the on disk contents.
> But surely restarting Apache should do?!

Only if that also kills / restarts the moin processes.
This is the case for apache / mod-wsgi, but might be not the case for
other scenarios, where the moin processes run rather separate from apache.

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