[Moin-user] Request for comments about new parser InteractiveImageMap.py (for the ROS wiki)

Andreas Bihlmaier andreas.bihlmaier at gmx.de
Tue Nov 25 07:30:48 EST 2014

Dear MoinMoin community,

I'm currently working on a new parser plugin to have interactive image
maps such as
available within MoinMoin.
The goal is to have a more intuitive interface to documentation
(actually to better _find_ relevant documentation) for ROS users (wiki.ros.org).

The current status and a working example can be found at

The parser works and the linked html example can be reproduced in MoinMoin with:
kinect;;shape=poly;;coords=91,94,167,100,167,104,144,110,146,121,196,124,203,118,206,110,182,103,250,108,249,75,123,68,91,68,91,93;;tooltip=Kinect;;description=Driver: [[http://wiki.ros.org/openni_camera|openni_camera]] <<BR>> Data: [[http://docs.ros.org/api/sensor_msgs/html/msg/PointCloud2.html|sensor_msgs/PointCloud2]] <<BR>> Visualization: [[http://wiki.ros.org/rviz/DisplayTypes/PointCloud|rviz PointCloud]] <<BR>> Processing: [[http://wiki.ros.org/pcl|Point Cloud Library (PCL)]]
turltebot_base;;shape=poly;;coords=16,240,17,292,33,308,60,320,91,326,124,329,156,329,194,325,226,315,249,297,253,287,254,242,233,224,54,215,28,228,16,240;;tooltip=Turtlebot base plattform;;description=See [[http://wiki.ros.org/turtlebot|ROS wiki]]
As you can see, the goal was also having wiki markup for the dynamic parts.

As a non web developer and non web security expert, I was not able to do
any form of XSS or achieve other mischief through the parser. However,
before this can be put on such a large site as wiki.ros.org, I hope
to get some feedback from you (i.e. the MoinMoin experts) about
Furthermore, I'd be glad about other suggestions for (code) improvements.
(I have been using MoinMoin for a long time, but never used its internal API before).

Kind regards,

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