[Moin-user] SyncWiki problems

Atom Crystal crystalatom at gmail.com
Thu Jan 16 11:47:32 EST 2014

Hi there,

I am trying to sync my desktop version wiki to a remote wiki (freshly
installed, single wiki not in a farm) running under apache2 using moin.wsgi
and running into two problems.

1. For a page deleted locally, say, it seems the directory of the
corresponding page is still kept, such that when I run sync, it gives the
following error mesg:

*File "C:\GreenTools\moin-1.9.7\MoinMoin\action\SyncPages.py", line 220, in
*self.sync(params, local, remote)*
*File "C:\GreenTools\moin-1.9.7\MoinMoin\action\SyncPages.py", line 511, in
*rpc_aggregator.scheduler(remote.create_multicall_object, handle_page,
m_pages, 8, remote.prepare_multicall)*
*File "C:\GreenTools\moin-1.9.7\MoinMoin\util\rpc_aggregator.py", line 73,
in scheduler*
*call = gen.fetch_call()*
*File "C:\GreenTools\moin-1.9.7\MoinMoin\util\rpc_aggregator.py", line 32,
in fetch_call*
*next_item = self._gen.next()*
*File "C:\GreenTools\moin-1.9.7\MoinMoin\action\SyncPages.py", line 453, in
*current_page.saveText(merged_text, sp.local_rev or 0, comment=comment) #
YYY direct access*
*File "C:\GreenTools\moin-1.9.7\MoinMoin\PageEditor.py", line 1081, in
*raise self.EmptyPage(msg)*
*EmptyPage: You cannot save empty pages.*

The problem disappeared when I manually deleted the directory under
wiki/data/page/, so is this a bug or did I miss something after deleting
the wiki page?

2. I am currently stumbled at is that sync script reports  a page not
existing while it actually exists. What strikes me is that some of the
pages are being synced like I see BioStat, and the GeneralConcepts/p53
pages on remote wiki, but it always stopped at one certain page, say here
is the  ProteasesAndFusionTags page. If I delete this page, the sync
process will stop another page. Following is the log info from the SyncWiki
page. I am really confused.

*Synchronisation started - 2014-01-16 11:24:50*
*Got a list of 156 local and 3 remote pages. This results in 156 pages to
*After filtering: 140 pages*
*Synchronising page Resources with remote page Resources ...*
*Synchronising page Systems with remote page Systems ...*
*Synchronising page GeneralConcepts/p53 with remote page
GeneralConcepts/p53 ...*
*Synchronising page LearnMath with remote page LearnMath ...*
*Synchronising page Systems/NACHTFamily with remote page
Systems/NACHTFamily ...*
*Synchronising page BioStat with remote page BioStat ...*
*Synchronising page GeneralConcepts/Organelles with remote page
GeneralConcepts/Organelles ...*
*Synchronising page Systems/APP with remote page Systems/APP ...*
*Synchronising page ProteasesAndFusionTags with remote page
ProteasesAndFusionTags ...*
*A severe error occurred:Traceback (most recent call last):*
*File "C:\GreenTools\moin-1.9.7\MoinMoin\action\SyncPages.py", line 220, in
*self.sync(params, local, remote)*
*File "C:\GreenTools\moin-1.9.7\MoinMoin\action\SyncPages.py", line 507, in
*rpc_aggregator.scheduler(remote.create_multicall_object, handle_page,
m_pages, 8, remote.prepare_multicall)*
*File "C:\GreenTools\moin-1.9.7\MoinMoin\util\rpc_aggregator.py", line 73,
in scheduler*
*call = gen.fetch_call()*
*File "C:\GreenTools\moin-1.9.7\MoinMoin\util\rpc_aggregator.py", line 32,
in fetch_call*
*next_item = self._gen.next()*
*File "C:\GreenTools\moin-1.9.7\MoinMoin\action\SyncPages.py", line 385, in
*diff_result = remote.get_diff_post(yielder.fetch_result())*
*File "C:\GreenTools\moin-1.9.7\MoinMoin\wikisync.py", line 221, in
*raise value*
*Fault: <Fault NOT_EXIST: 'Page does not exist.'>*

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