[Moin-user] _test Changes to review

Chitrank Dixit chitrankdixit at gmail.com
Fri May 10 00:28:05 EDT 2013

The following test cases may work on python3.3 well as some module
dependencies are met as well. (flask and werkzeug) . This is a long process
and take some time I am talking to the flask and werkzeug and trying to
port some of the modules that would require less time to get ported.

*Chitrank Dixit
*Indore (M.P.) , India *

On Fri, May 10, 2013 at 9:35 AM, Chitrank Dixit <chitrankdixit at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hello Moin dev
> I have made some changes in MoinMoin/_tests folder for the test cases. I
> have ported them to python3.3 with backward compatibility. There was not a
> substantial work for that but still this port might not be for Python 3.2
> as it does not support unicoded strings.
> here is the link to review
> https://codereview.appspot.com/9162045/
> P.S. : I have talked on the IRC and got the reply from developers that
> First we should concentrate on Python 3.3 then other changes can be made
> afterwards to make the tests compatible for python 3.2
> *Regards
> *
> *Chitrank Dixit
> *
> *
> *Indore (M.P.) , India *
> *MCA
> *
> *trackleech.blogspot.in*
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