[Moin-user] convert moin moin to OSQA format

Paul Boddie paul at boddie.org.uk
Wed Jun 12 11:50:33 EDT 2013

On Wednesday 12 June 2013 16:41:08 Kamal Ahmed wrote:
> Hi,
> Is it possible to convert moin moin to OSQA (http://www.osqa.net/) ?

It's amusing that the OSQA Wiki is using Atlassian Confluence:


> If so is there a tool available ? has any one tried it ?

How would you convert general content into the Q&A format?

According to the user guide [*], the individual contributions/fragments use 
the largely awful Markdown syntax [**].

[*] http://wiki.osqa.net/display/docs/OSQA+User%27s+Guide
[**] http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax

From my experiences converting between markup languages [*] and also parsing 
Moin syntax for various Moin extension purposes, I would anticipate a lot of 
problems in getting Markdown to faithfully reproduce the output of 
non-trivial Moin markup.

[*] http://moinmo.in/ConfluenceConverter


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