[Moin-user] links to local files

Thomas Scofield scofield at calvin.edu
Thu Jan 10 16:08:07 EST 2013

I'm re-sending this.  I send it from the Mac Mail program, and when I viewed it online
it appears a lot of content was chopped off.  I've added a lot of manual carriage
returns to see if this stops happening.

Begin original message:

I am now up and running a standalone desktop MoinMoin wiki, version 1.9.6.
To connect, I use the url


My goal for this wiki is entirely personal: want to be able to find information
and files useful to me.  I have many links to external files and websites, but
cannot get similar links to files on my local machine set up the way I want.
For instance, if I have a .pdf file already on my hard drive, I don't want to have
to move it to an attachments directory down deep within the data directory.
What I have done so far is put a simlink in the attachments directory linking to
the file's actual location.  I'd rather have things set up to completely mimick a
link to a pdf on some non-local server, as in


Is there a way to do this?  I've poked around, and it seems there are security
issues surrounding this kind of thing.  It seems people say this is a browser
issue rather than an issue with MoinMoin.  But my browser will open files on
my local machine when given a link such as the one above. Moreover, given
that mine is a standalone configuration, it seems to me what I do locally (in my
MoinMoin configuration) isn't viewable/accessible from an external server.

A related (I think) question is how I can link to a local html file and display it.
In other words, why can't I mimick a link like





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