[Moin-user] Enable CKEditor in Moin2

Paul Boddie paul at boddie.org.uk
Mon Dec 9 07:40:06 EST 2013

On Monday 9. December 2013 12.53.27 Thomas Waldmann wrote:
> On 12/09/2013 07:13 AM, Tal Hadad wrote:
> > OK I saw this, but yet, isn't there a simple conversion from html to
> > wiki and so reverse like moin 1.9.7?
> As you may have noticed, this stuff is neither simple nor unproblematic,
> it had quite some fundamental issues in moin 1.x.
> Also, (f)ckeditor is javascript stuff, so every customization there
> needs work in javascript (and I am not a js developer).

I don't remember the details of (f)ckeditor and how it actually does its 
thing, but I was introduced to the contenteditable support in modern browsers 
and played around with it somewhat. Was there any plan to look at supporting 
contenteditable in Moin? It would have to involve the same Moin-to-HTML round-
trip, and extra JavaScript controls would still be necessary to control 
formatting, and maybe this wouldn't end up offering any benefits over 
(f)ckeditor, but I just wondered if it had been discussed in the recent past.

> > I read there is a massive work in conversion many formats to DOM and so
> > in reverse, and I wonder if a same page could be edited once in WIKI
> > format and once in HTML format.
> Theoretically yes, but:
> * there might be roundtrip issues
> * there might be fundamental issues
> * there is a lot of other stuff to do (for me)
> So, I won't put effort into implementing that in the foreseeable future.
> If you want to help, you can start improving the converters, looking out
> for roundtrip issues.

I'd agree with this: conversion is probably the key issue.


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