[Moin-user] Understanding more about Change in API and UI project Idea

Chitrank Dixit chitrankdixit at gmail.com
Tue Apr 30 17:32:46 EDT 2013

Hello MoinMoin developers

I read about Changing API and UI from the Project Idea page of MoinMoin
Wiki but I am still unable yo figure out

"Most of the UI, URLs, API is currently based on using NAMES for
identifying an item. But at many places, using a ITEMID or REVID instead or
additionally to a name would be better."

Does this means Working over the database with primary key most of the
times for Items NAMES but at many places ITEMID or REVID would be better.
Please correct me if wrong and please show me some example to make me more
clear and aware about the problem.

*Chitrank Dixit
*Indore (M.P.) , India *
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