[Moin-user] Displaying of foot notes in MoinMoin themes

Christian Taube c.taube at hcf.yourweb.de
Tue Mar 20 05:21:47 EDT 2012


This is probably a question for a web designer, but as it affects the
default theme of MoinMoin, it should fit on this list, too.

I am currently playing around with the CSS code to change the look of my
MoinMoin installation.

Now, there is this section in the file common.css of the 'modernized'

.footnotes div {
    border-top: 1pt solid gray;
    width: 5em;

I think the intention here is to paint a short, thin line between the
regular wiki text and the foot notes(1). 
(1) Just like I've done here in ASCII.

Actually, I would really like it if it would work this way, as in
MoinMoins default theme it is rather hard to differentiate between wiki
text and foot notes otherwise. However, none of my browsers actually
draw this line. And I didn't find out how to change the css-file to
get this correct. I've examined the page with the Firebug extension of
Firefox and it seems this code block isn't even loaded.

You can take this page as example:

This page has three foot notes and the above code is in the common.css
file. Firebug, however, shows only .footnotes ol as active for this

Any ideas how to get this right?

Christian Taube

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