[Moin-user] Lost Moin-Moin central wiki

Paul Boddie paul at boddie.org.uk
Sat Dec 1 10:15:02 EST 2012

On Saturday 01 December 2012 13:41:10 Thomas Waldmann wrote:
> > Recently I upgraded to version 1.9.5 after many happy years with
> > 1.8.*.  When I did so  I lost all my personal modifications (page
> > layout, etc)
> If you are speaking of a custom theme, you likely need to update it for
> 1.9. Same is true for some other extensions, esp. if they access stuff
> in the request object (as moin 1.9 is using werkzeug/wsgi there, which
> is different from the custom stuff we had before).
> >  but, worst of all, I lost connectivity to the central wiki on which
> > most of the documentation can be found.  For example, a title search
> > on "format" comes up empty.  A text search returns only pages from my
> > local wiki.
> This is way too unspecific and lacking important information to post any
> really helpful answer.

Is this not a reference to the help pages? Depending on how the upgrade was 
done, it's possible that the inquirer has a Wiki without various underlay 
pages which then have to be installed separately in 1.9 as page packages from 
the SystemPagesSetup page.

Similarly, any custom theme would go away if the upgrade was more like a fresh 
install and a migration of the old data. But I'm just guessing here.


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