[Moin-user] xapian search: an unhandled win32 exception occured in w3wp.exe

Mark Scheufele mark.scheufele at diasemi.com
Tue Apr 24 12:19:50 EDT 2012

Hi Moin Users,

I have enabled the xapian based search on our wiki system. I was able to build the index and I am also able to query the index just fine. Yet when I try to update a page I get a pop message that an unhandled win32 exception occurred in w3wp.exe (IIS).

When I look at the eventlog I can see the following error details:

Exception code: 0xc00000fd
Fault offset: 0x00019dcf
Faulting process id: 0xec
Faulting application start time: 0x01cd223181c9c430
Faulting application path: c:\windows\system32\inetsrv\w3wp.exe
Faulting module path: C:\Windows\system32\python26.dll

After confirming the popup the change will be saved, yet the xapian index has not been updated (timestamp of index files did not change and searching for the change not come up with a result).

I had a look at the MoinMoin xapian events (MoinMoin\events\xapian_index.py) and found out that in case of a page update the following code is carried out:

def handle_changed(event):
    """Updates Xapian index when a page is changed"""

    request = event.request

    if request.cfg.xapian_search:
        index = _get_index(request)
        if index and index.exists():

I wrote a little script to call index.update_item(event.page.page_name). Running this script updates the xapian index yet following exception occurs:

Exception RuntimeError: 'maximum recursion depth exceeded while calling a Python object' in <type 'exceptions.AttributeError'> ignored
Exception RuntimeError: 'maximum recursion depth exceeded while calling a Python object' in <type 'exceptions.AttributeError'> ignored


from MoinMoin.web import contexts
from MoinMoin.Page import Page

class ScriptContext(contexts.AllContext):
	added REMOTE_USER to wsgi environ
	def __init__(self, user, url=None, pagename=''):
		if url is None:
			url='http://localhost:0/' # just some somehow valid dummy URL
		environ=contexts.create_environ(base_url=url) # XXX not sure about base_url, but makes "make underlay" work
		super(ScriptContext, self).__init__(request)
		from MoinMoin import wsgiapp

def _get_index(request):
		from MoinMoin.search.Xapian import XapianIndex
		return XapianIndex(request)
	except ImportError:

if __name__ == '__main__':
	if request.cfg.xapian_search:
		if index and index.exists():

It someone could give me a hint how to get the xapian based search running on a windows system with the following spec:

- moin 1.9.3
- python 2.6.6
- xapian bindings for Python from here http://www.flax.co.uk/xapian/128/xapian-python-bindings%20for%20Python%202.4.4%20-1.2.8.win32.exe
- IIS 7.5 running moin using isapi_wsgi

Best Regards,


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