[Moin-user] Edit Problem Moinmoin 1.1 (not a joke)

R.Bauer rb.proj at gmail.com
Wed Mar 9 02:21:11 EST 2011

Am 07.03.2011 20:51, schrieb Fred Fontis:
> Hi,
> we use moinmoin-wiki Version 1.1 since many years and it worked fine.
> Last week our (stoneold) server crashes and i install a Debian 6 64bit 
> Server with apache2. Also i install moinmoin1.1 as it described in 
> INSTALL.html/Unix and all went fine.

Because you mentioned on IRC that you have only 20 pages of content in
that wiki I suggest to install moin-1.9.3 and manually migrate these 20
pages to the new version.

This approach will be in my opinion much faster than all the other
problem fixes because of using that stoneage version with a to new
python version.


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