[Moin-user] Upgrading and the Navigation bar

Emmanuel Seyman eseyman at edd.fr
Wed Sep 8 05:20:04 EDT 2010

* R.Bauer [08/09/2010 08:35] :
> First time I heard that. Mostly debian users don't get informed that
> they need to migrate their wiki data too additional to the apt-get upgrade.

I'm actually migrating from one machine to another so apt-get upgrade
isn't really an option. :-)

> > Strangely enough, when I keep the underlay from the 1.5.3 version, I
> > do get a localized navigational bar (but the system pages themselves
> > don't work).
> That is no solution. Because of syntax changes.

Yeah, I guessed as much.

> May be you have not removed old cache files? Did you run after the
> migration data command the maint cleancache command? And was your server
> stopped doing this?

I didn't and hadn't but adding these two steps doesn't help (although
the maint cleancache command is useful for a few other things).

Thanks !


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