[Moin-user] Upgrading and the Navigation bar

Emmanuel Seyman eseyman at edd.fr
Tue Sep 7 12:40:20 EDT 2010

Hello, all.

I'm updating a moinmoin installation from 1.5.3 to 1.7.1 (or, at least,
the debian packaged 1.7.1).

The migration is pretty smooth but leaves one bug. The System pages in
the navigation bar aren't localized (despite language_default being set
to 'fr'). So I have 'RecentChanges' and 'FindPage' instead of
'ModificationsRécentes' and 'RechercherUnePage'. Note that this also
happens when I create a new wiki so something's obviously wrong.

Strangely enough, when I keep the underlay from the 1.5.3 version, I
do get a localized navigational bar (but the system pages themselves
don't work).

Where do I have to look to find what's wrong?


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